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4 Google Ads Trends That Are Going to Dominate 2022

There's no denying it—Google is arguably one of the most important factors to take account of when creating a digital marketing strategy today. Early into 2022, we can already see what trends are going to dominate Google Ads.

If you are planning to work with a Google Ads agency to maximize your sales and marketing efforts, it's best to stay on top of these definitive shifts and maximize your PPC strategy for the coming year.

Businesses Will Need to Adjust to Consumer Aversion to Targeting

A lot of PPC advertising is reliant on targeted tracking and data analytics. The problem here is that online users are increasingly becoming averse to data collection and targeting. Many consumers don't like being advertised to, especially when the ads appear on their favorite sites and they are trying to consume media.

Therefore, with the recent moves from Google to make the ads less obtrusive and more useful, we can see that businesses must adjust their strategies accordingly with the new trends. We are also facing a future with ad blockers and no more cookies, so advertising will rely on Google's new guidelines.

The PPC Scene Is Going to Be Even More Populated

Trends are showing that more businesses are going to invest significantly in their PPC efforts, especially as they try to jump ahead of any detrimental shifts that might be anticipated down the line.

This is particularly important for businesses that are already losing out on their competition in the coming year. Businesses need to refine their strategy so that they don't stagnate.

Artificial Intelligence Will Expand Further

We have seen a lot of developments in terms of AI and machine learning, and its role in the digital landscape is only going to expand even more. Any Google Ads agency worth its salt knows that AI will need to be embraced sooner rather than later because of the rapid shift in digital habits and tech resources.

While AI isn't likely going to replace humans at this point, it will definitely have a large role in search queries, targeting, and consumer communications.

The Mobile Trend Will See No Signs of Slowing Down

If you haven't caught up with the mobile trend, there's no point stalling any further this year. We're already seeing over 50% of search queries on mobile devices (and that number is only going to continue to rise). 

Ultimately, more and more consumers are doing their online activities on mobile, so your Google Ads will have to be optimized accordingly. With mobile-friendly ads, your business is more likely to get more lead generation and conversions. It's all about being visually present without being intrusive and making use of a concise copy that gets the point across right away.


What separates the best from the rest is that they understand the trends, and they implement strategies to take advantage of them. As the Google Ads trends above show, we can assume that there are going to be more and more opportunities for businesses to invest in their digital marketing strategies.

Get yourself a white label Google Ads agency that has the resources to push your efforts to the next level. Talk with us at Happy Agencies and get started.