
4 Things You Need to Know Before You Advertise on Facebook

Written by Ariel | Mar 7, 2024 8:41:52 PM

Facebook may have started as a platform to connect family and friends, making it a great place to socialize in digital spaces. However, this community-centric social media platform has become a potent advertising tool for businesses of all types and sizes. 

This platform can increase your brand’s reach significantly. The way it is set up today can help you boost lead generation efforts that result in conversions. However, not all businesses are aware of its marketing prowess and are not maximizing Facebook’s full capability to increase brand awareness and return on investment (ROI) tenfold.

Using Facebook advertising is not just about boosting content and crossing your fingers for your results. You can run smart campaigns that can bring the results you need every time without ballooning marketing costs to maximize revenues.

In fact, it is expected that Facebook advertising revenues will reach $95 billion this 2021. The global pandemic did little to chip Facebook's success since it hit $81 billion in revenue in 2020. This is why advertisers keep investing in Facebook because it works.

Nevertheless, before you start advertising on Facebook, you should be aware of the following:

Identify Your Buyer Persona or Target Audience

Facebook Insights can reveal your target buyer's persona by how they engage with your brand. Facebook analytics provide accurate insights on the kind of engagements you get, so you can properly craft content and campaigns that suit your target audience. 

When your content is relevant, boosting them through Facebook ads only increases their impact. However, it won't be easy to distinguish between organic and paid traffic as Facebook does not have this capability yet. 

However, running Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PPC campaigns alongside your Facebook campaigns can give you an idea of which campaigns are generating paid and organic traffic. Knowing the distinction helps you hone organic campaigns that are doing well to put your attention on the right channels. 

Set Marketing Goals

Your company's goals will define the advertising campaign you undertake.  If you want to improve sales, be specific in your objective statement. Set a goal figure that will serve as a barometer for your performance.

However, you must ensure that your final aim is reachable. For instance, investing in Facebook marketing will not provide an immediate $1 million return. Finally, the ad should be relevant to your aims, with a clear deadline.

Create an Engaging Content Strategy

After determining your business goals, you'll need to create a content strategy. In the Facebook Ads Manager, your plan will act as your guide. You should have both a liberal plan as well as a campaign-specific strategy for each marketing cycle. All aspects of the strategy must be flexible and adaptable to meet the objectives of your business.

Test and Retest Your Ad Campaigns

Utilize a mixture of A/B testings and multiple testings to ensure you are launching the most promising Facebook advertising campaign. This way, you can determine which types of audiences respond more to your marketing efforts and produce better conversion results. 

It also helps you adjust or replace non-performing content immediately since Facebook ad results don’t take long to come back. You may use this information to assist in developing future advertising with appropriate content that will result in higher views and engagements.


Facebook is a wonderful platform for advertising with a minimal budget. However, there is a high learning curve that not all businesses have the time, resources, understanding, and personnel to overcome quickly. 

Social media trends also change quickly, and if you are not up-to-date, you can fall behind marketing opportunities. It is better, then, to partner with a professional social media manager or agency that can handle the nitty-gritty of Faceboo0k advertising for you for optimized results. 

If you want help from a Facebook ads agency, Happy Agencies is here for you. We are a white label agency for marketers, whether you are getting started as a marketer or building your new agency. We provide tons of resources to help you push your brand to the next level.