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7 Easy Ways You Can Update Your Website for the New Year

Your website holds the key to your business success.

It can help you build new relationships, grow your audience, and ultimately boost your sales. But, those goals can be hard to achieve if your site is outdated and doesn’t accurately represent your business.

A website can be updated anytime, but many business owners often update their websites when the new year comes in because it's a time for new beginnings, and there are many things to look forward to. It's also essential that the web design reflects the modern personality of the business itself.

We listed down the essential things to update on a website for a new year, so read on below to get started.

1 - Evaluate Your Current Website Design

The first thing to do is to evaluate your current website design. Is it outdated? Is it responsive? Does it look elegant, or is it too bulky? You need to review your existing website because it will help you identify what you need to update. It’s okay if you have the same website design for the previous year, but make sure that your website design is current and up to date.

2 - Find and Update Any Old Information

If you’ve had your website for a long time, you might have old and outdated information which needs to be updated to the current information, such as addresses and contact numbers. If you have any past employees, remove them from your website to avoid confusion when your visitors try to contact your company.

3 - Update Blog Content

The content of your blog or company site is a great way to establish your digital brand identity online. Most online users visit blogs and company sites of the businesses they are interested in because they want to learn more about the business and get to know the people behind it. If you have a blog, you can use it to write about events, news, and updates to your product or service. Also, you can use it to update your audience on the latest happenings in your business.

4 - Delete Unnecessary Files

Check your website to find unnecessary files such as images, videos, or other files that add clutter to your site. It’s recommended that you store essential records like video and image files on your computer and only use them on your website. That way, if these files are deleted by any mistake, you can always recover them.

5 - Check Your Website’s Data

The data that’s being inputted into your website needs to be accurate. Check your website for outdated information and update it with the latest information. You can do this by going to your website’s database. If your website is hosted on a CMS platform such as WordPress, you can use their built-in database functions to check your website’s data. If your website is hosted on a self-hosted server or created a website on your own, you can use a MySQL database server such as phpMyAdmin to check your website’s data.

6 - Optimize for Page Speed

Page speed is critical because it influences your website’s user experience. A slow website will cause your visitors to lose their patience and leave the website, which eventually leads to fewer visitors and conversions. To avoid this, you need to optimize your website for page speed.

7 - Change Your SEO Strategy

SEO strategies are constantly changing because search engines often change their algorithms. If you keep using the same SEO strategy previously used, it will be useless to your company because it might not attract search engine traffic.


Updating your website is not a difficult task, and it can be done within a short period of time. Once you’ve updated your website, you’ll be able to attract more traffic to your website. It will also help you rank higher on search engines, which will eventually boost your business’s online presence.

Happy Agencies is a web design agency that specializes in various services, including customized responsive websites and copywriting. We understand the needs of your business, so you can be sure that our experienced team of designers will take care of it for you. Contact us today to learn more!