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How to Level up from Being a Freelancer to Opening an Agency

Freelancing is a fantastic opportunity that opens a lot of doors. Through it, you can earn a good income while working on your terms. However, many freelancers feel like their life is stagnant in career growth.

If you are a freelancer wondering about the next level, consider establishing an agency. Here are the steps you can take to open an agency of your own.

1. Switch to an Entrepreneurial Mindset

If you want to start an agency, the biggest change to make is changing your mindset. Your mindset should be that of an entrepreneur.

A freelancer is someone more concerned with getting a paycheck than growing their career. An entrepreneur is someone who can work alone and come up with the right strategy to achieve their goals. Say goodbye to the life of a freelancer and start thinking and operating like an agency owner.

2. Start Building Your Team

When you want to start an agency, you need to be prepared to manage a team. It will be up to you to set income, working hours, and career growth standards.

You should start building your team with your most talented freelancers. While freelancing, it's easy to take your best talent with you when you work with an agency. You just have to be very clear from the start with them about your goals and what you expect from them.

3. Register Your Business

When you want to start an agency, one of the first things you need to do is register your business. You need to decide on the business name, find an office to rent, and get the necessary business licenses.

4. Start Taking on Projects

One of the first business decisions you will have to make when you start an agency is deciding what type of projects you will take on. This choice is usually dependent on the skill of your team and where they are located, as well as the type of clients you want to work with.

As you start taking in projects, you will have to keep a steady income to pay your staff's salaries. Make sure that you only take in projects that you can handle and have the right staff members to work on them.

5. Look for More Clients to Grow Your Business

The most challenging part of an agency is growing your client list. For this reason, you need to find white label marketing services to reach potential clients, decide on the package you offer them, and determine how you will promote your agency.

It's also important to be transparent about your rates. While many freelancers offer their services based on their time, agencies provide value. An agency will provide its clients with professional work, and they can use the service multiple times.

6. Keep Track of Your Financials

As an agency owner, you need to ensure that you have the right finances in place. You need to be able to grow your business and, at the same time, keep it profitable.

Make sure that you have your finances in order and a clear picture of your income. While you may be earning a good income, if you don't have proper finances in place, you won't be able to get the most out of your business.

7. Plan for Your Agency’s Future

While it's easy to feel like you are making progress as an agency, there are many things that you have to take into account.

One of the best ways to plan for your agency's future is to find ways to diversify your services. You should start looking into taking on projects that your clients need, that your current team can work on, and that you don't have to hire anyone else to work on them.

Final Thoughts

Starting an agency is a big move, but it can also open up new opportunities. The process requires a lot of preparation and planning that many freelancers don't consider. Start by switching your mindset to that of an entrepreneur, and you will be able to take steps towards becoming your own boss.

Get the help you need in promoting your new agency with the white label marketing solutions from Happy Agencies. We help freelancers, agencies, and marketing teams start, grow, and scale their businesses. Sign up for free today to learn more.