
How Bing and Google's Digital Ad Platforms Operate Differently

Written by Ariel | Mar 7, 2024 9:23:47 PM

Thanks to digital advertising, promotional content may instantly reach millions of customers via various platforms. The usual suspects are Google, Facebook, and YouTube. Still, Microsoft's Bing search engine, which accounts for between 30% and 40% of all Internet searches, also has a stake in the digital marketing industry.

So, if you think your Google Ads bottom-funnel acquisition ads have been optimized, Bing is a great venue to target new consumers. Bing could be a useful tool to target online shoppers throughout the holiday season, with Black Friday sales expected to bring in 30% more online shoppers this year compared to last.

In this article, look at Bing in more detail and compare its digital advertising platform to that of its primary rival, Google Ads. You can also find in this article a company that is both a Bing ads agency and Google ads agency. 

Bing vs. Google

Customers can use search engines to find products and services, read reviews, and make purchases. As a result, search engine marketing is a successful method for reaching out to potential customers.

With a market share of over 92%, Google is the most popular search engine in 2020, making its advertising platform, Google Ads, the most extensively used marketing tool for companies to sell their products and services online.

However, as we already noted, a significant chunk of internet search traffic is accounted for by Bing campaigns, a part of the Microsoft Advertising network, which can reach millions of people that Google cannot.

Systems for pay-per-click and search engine advertising are both intended to assist businesses in locating their target customers, boosting traffic, and boosting sales. So how exactly do they differ?

Advertising Networks

Google Ads comprises the internal ad networks for search and display. The search network comprises text adverts that appear on search engine results pages, whereas the display network consists of graphics-based advertising on websites. 

With more than four billion users worldwide who represent a diverse variety of ages and ethnicities, Google has a larger audience for its adverts than the bulk of other search engines, including Bing.

However, because Bing is a member of the Microsoft Advertising ecosystem, its adverts also appear on Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, and several other partner websites, reaching nearly 1.5 billion users. Despite having fewer users, Bing still manages to connect with 63 million people who Google Ads cannot reach.


Google has a larger audience, given its size. However, audience segmentation gives Bing one advantage over its rivals.

Even though a substantial portion of its audience consists of young adults, Google targets and attracts a diverse spectrum of demographics, differing in age and socioeconomic position.

The search engine for many devices, such as Amazon's Alexa and the 1.3 billion Windows 10 devices, is Bing, which, in contrast, has a more narrowly focused agenda. Considering that the search engine is used for more than 30% of all searches in the US, dismissing Bing as a digital advertising platform would mean ignoring more than a third of your target market.

Nearly 70% of Bing users in that potential market are 35 years or older. About 38% of those people have an annual household income of $100,000 or more, and 54% are under the age of 45.

Bing advertising allows you to target a larger, more targeted population than Google Ads, which only target a broad demographic.


Due to its size and scope, Google Ads typically outperforms all other digital advertising platforms. It would be preferable to mix up your digital marketing strategy by incorporating Bing in addition to other potent digital advertising platforms.

As we mentioned, Bing, a part of Microsoft Advertising, provides the opportunity to target specific demographics and unexplored markets that Google Ads ignores. It's a great way to improve your pay-per-click strategy by filling in any reach gaps.

Happy Agencies provide services under your brand for marketers. You can find a ton of materials here to advance your career, whether you are just starting as a marketer or starting a new firm. Contact us if you need help with your Google Ads and Bing campaigns