
5 Tips on How to Create a Coming Soon Landing Page

Written by Ariel | Mar 7, 2024 9:19:32 PM

5 Tips on How to Create a Coming Soon Landing Page

Your website is your doors and windows to your customers. Every page you have is vital to make sure that every content and element within your site works together to help in increasing traffic and engagement. 

And part of having a great website is creating a coming soon landing page that allows you to promote something new from your business or an important announcement you want to make. But creating an exciting and attractive coming soon landing page can be a challenge as you want to make sure that you find the right balance of attracting your audience and not overwhelming them.

In this article, we will provide you with a list of powerful tips to guide you in creating a coming soon landing page that can improve your chances of increasing your website traffic.

Keep It Simple, but Eye-Catching

The design of your coming soon landing page is one of the most critical elements that you have to pay attention to. You have to make sure that the design is eye-catching and straightforward to help in catching the attention of potential customers.

You may have a lot of things to promote on your coming soon page, so it would be easy to write a lot of text and add a lot of images. Keep in mind that your coming soon landing page will only be active for a limited amount of time, so don't make it so complicated that you confuse your visitors.

As much as possible, you have to make sure that there's no clutter or unnecessary elements, so it will make it easier for your customers to read the page.

Make sure that the design you choose is easy to navigate, and your audience will immediately know where to click. The design should also highlight the main features of your business, product, or service that you want to promote. 

Focus on What You Want to Say

One good thing to keep in mind is that your coming soon page needs to have great news or announcement that you are about to make. You can talk about what you will be offering on your site or any new product or service you will introduce.

You can also choose to have a countdown timer to show visitors that you are about to launch something new. An excellent way to keep people excited and keep them coming back is to have a countdown timer, which can also serve as a reminder of your upcoming product.

Keep It Direct and Brief

The length of your coming soon page will ultimately play a big part in determining the success of your page. You don't want your audience to lose interest because they will not see any important information on your page.

Make sure that your page is short and direct at the same time. This is because you want your audience to stay on your page as much as possible to view your content.

Provide a Great Value for Your Customers

Your customers will want to know what is in it for them. Make sure that you make it easy for your customers to find out what they can expect when they visit your site. Tell them the benefits of the products or services or why they should consider buying something from you.

Don't forget to include the headlines to ensure that they will be interested in reading the rest of the content. You can also use testimonials or reviews to increase the credibility of your product or service.

Make Sure to Give a Clear Call to Action

One of the essential elements you have to include on your coming soon page is a clear call to action (CTA). 

You have to make sure that the CTA tells the audience what they will get if they click the link. You should make sure that you use simple and clear instructions since you want to make sure that your audience will immediately know what you want them to do next.


Creating an effective coming soon landing page shouldn’t be a complicated process. With these five powerful steps, you’d be able to entice your audience with what’s new and upcoming to your business.

Happy Agencies can help you get started with your marketing strategies, including your landing page design. Schedule a call today.