
3 Notable Reasons Why You Need to Know About Figma

Written by Ariel | Mar 7, 2024 8:41:42 PM

It’s true that there is no shortage of UX and UI design tools to choose from. However, one tool stands out from the crowd. This tool is known as Figma. Let’s take a look at what makes this tool special and its capabilities.

Live Collaboration

Working in teams requires collaboration and discussion. Figma makes this possible, just as it makes it easy to share your screen as you work on your design files. Figma launched in 2016 with a USP that met real-time collaboration needs for many design agencies and freelancers: it allowed for multiple team members to collaborate and view designs in real-time (just like in Google Docs). This had the added bonus of helping other design tools, such as Adobe XD, launch their own real-time collaboration services. UX/UI designers can easily see the latest project updates on the Project Pages, track contributors and projects on the Team and Organization Pages, edit in real-time, and watch every pixel using the Observation Mode.

With live collaboration capabilities with no lag or crashes and unlimited members in one file, Figma helps to stop design errors before they happen. Think about the times you’ve worked long hours on a project only to realize you made a mistake at that very beginning—live collaboration stops errors from turning into snowballing disasters. In addition, to live collaboration, Figma’s unlimited members per file mean large-scale design teams won’t need to tag members in and out or have to deal with per-user licensing headaches.


Using a cloud-based app means that you can access your files from any device, on any operating system, anywhere in the world. For example, Sketch is only available for Mac computers, which makes it harder for designers who use multiple devices. 

Figma runs on all operating systems, including macOS, Windows, Linux and Chrome OS. They also have a desktop app available for both macOS and Windows. An updated version is currently in beta testing. If you’re working from an iOS or Android device, you can download the Mirror app for live previewing – a lifesaver for last-minute changes to your designs. Bear in mind that you’ll only be able to access a View Only version of your files unless you’re working from a device that can run a full desktop (like Microsoft Surface).

Crash Proof

It’s every UX/UI designer’s nightmare: hours spent on a project, and then the program crashes, throwing you back to square one. Luckily, Figma has your back with its automatic backup system. When you’re working on a volatile device, an autosave-to-disk feature means your work will remain intact even if you accidentally close your tab.  Version control is also built-in so that you can restore old versions of documents.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you gain a better understanding of what makes Figma so great. As you can see, Figma is one of the most effective tools that app developers have at their disposal. Be sure to keep everything you’ve learned here in mind so that you can make the most informed decisions regarding app design.

If you need help with Figma app design, then you’ve come to the right place. Happy Agencies is one of the best digital marketing companies in the country. Our goal is to provide the best digital marketing services, from landing page design to taking over Elementor for developers. Explore the benefits of digital marketing with us by booking a consultation meeting on our website today