
The 4 Simple Stages of Launching an Agency

Written by Ariel | Mar 7, 2024 8:41:54 PM

Be it a personal project or a professional project, starting anything and launching it for the public to see is a daunting yet exciting time. Whether you want to make money or lend your services to those in need (or both), know that it’s critical to know where to begin and apply updated knowledge. Without further ado, read on to discover these four simple stages of launching an agency.

First Stage: Determining Your Niche

In the first stage, you must identify a market niche for your agency. Finding a niche reveals your area of expertise, your agency's actions, and you should have customers. It's advisable to go with a specialization that you're already familiar with.

Second Stage: Decide Your Location

Deciding on your location will have an impact on your cost structure and approach to talent acquisition.

Some firms prefer to operate entirely online, while others require a physical address. Small enterprises and government agencies can benefit from remote staff. When a company begins to grow, the majority of entrepreneurs require a physical office.

Third Stage: Establish Your Business Model

The new business owner must then select how to handle billables. Here are a few ideas:


This is performed by collecting a subscription fee on a monthly or annual basis. As a result, your client is under no obligation to compensate you for time spent or projects completed. They simply pay you a set fee for your services.

The simplest method to determine a flat fee for your services is to evaluate the client's needs and the scope of work.

If clients decide to expand, this business model may fail. You'll get the same amount if you complete further assignments! Contracts should always be amended before they are renewed.


For this, you are only compensated when your clients prosper. Your SEO agency, for example, may get paid a percentage of the revenue generated by a client's website.

This paradigm, however, is not without flaws. Not all services are covered. Making a website banner for a client, for example, is not a commissionable service.

Hourly Rates

An amazing business concept for new businesses, providing hourly rates means your clients pay you on an hourly basis for the time you spend on their tasks. While manually logging your working hours can be difficult, time tracking software can help. They make it simple to pay clients on an hourly basis because they automatically track your team's time on each task.

Fourth Stage: Find Your First Customers

The next stage is to find customers. When it comes to acquiring clients, you'll need to network widely in order to secure as many as feasible. Individuals must learn about you and your company before hiring you. You can go about this by:

Online networking 

Create a LinkedIn profile for your company. Describe your service as well as any past field experience you or your team members have. Furthermore, make sure your organization has a website that clearly outlines its objective.

Solicit your staff's aid in doing the same. Then, contact existing contacts to let them know about your offerings. This is because they are acquainted with you or have already worked with you.

Offline Networking

Another great strategy to discover clients is to go out and meet new individuals. Attending relevant community activities is a wonderful way to accomplish this.

Entrepreneurs and startups from all around the world gather here to network and share company ideas, experiences, and proposals. Meeting people who may become clients or who may refer you to someone in your network who may is a wise tactic.


Indeed, starting and launching your own business is intimidating for all entrepreneurs and experts or professionals. Thankfully, there are these tips that you can take with you as you build your own agency. Be guided and informed as you explore these four stages. In time, you will see your team succeed!

Happy Agencies is a white label agency with a variety of independent contractors and marketing teams. Whether you are a rookie marketer or a startup organization, we have a plethora of materials to help you expand your business. The possibilities are limitless when you work with us! Join for FREE today!