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Create a landing page & Promote your agency

Create a landing page

If you ask anyone who works in marketing what the first step is to have a professional online presence, they will tell you that the first step is to have a great website. On the other hand, if you want to capture the attention of your potential customers, generate leads and sell, the answer is to create a perfectly designed landing page. 

It is important that you know all the details about how to make a landing page that works: 

What is a landing page for?

In the world of digital marketing, a landing page (or landing page and landing page) is the page on which your potential customer "lands" after clicking on a link, banner or ad whose message has captured his attention. Unlike conventional web pages, a landing page has only one objective: to generate a certain action in the visitor who lands on it. If done well, landing pages have a great power of conversion.

That conversion can take many forms, from encouraging the user to buy from your online store to subscribing to your email list or filling out a contact form. Whatever type of conversion you want to achieve with your landing page, it must contain an irresistible CTA (call to action) that urges the user to act.  

What is a landing page?

  • A landing page should convey a single message that urges the user to perform the desired action and explains the advantages of doing so.

  • A landing page design should only serve this objective. In that sense, its web design must be simple and clear to ensure a smooth navigation experience without distractions.

  • The main objective of a landing page is to get visitors to click, i.e. to help convert. To achieve this, the microcopy of the buttons must be clear, direct and stand out against the background.
  • The structure of a landing page should stick to a single page. If you want to divide it into different sections, you can do so, but make sure it is not too long.

  • Titles, subtitles, buttons and images should be consistent and effectively embody the landing page's message. 

  • Unless you want to design the landing page yourself, we recommend that you use a professional landing page template to ensure your landing page looks good. Plus, its elaborate visual hierarchy will help your visitors direct their gaze to where you want them to go.

What is the purpose of a landing page?

For a landing page to fulfill its main purpose, it is essential to drive traffic to it, and you can do that in several ways:

  • Use the power of email marketing to drive your subscribers from email to the landing page.

  • Post a link to your landing page on social networks like Instagram or Twitter. 

  • Add a link to your landing page on your blog. If you don't have one, we encourage you to create a blog because it can bring you many benefits.

  • Optimize your landing page for search engines by implementing advanced SEO tools that will improve your positioning in organic searches (not paid).

  • Design a PPC advertising campaign on search engines and other platforms that leads to your landing page. 

All these methods are very useful to generate traffic to your landing page, but you also have to think about where to direct your visitors when they click on your page. The final destination can be a shopping cart, an online form or even a section of your website but whatever the final destination, it's important that you plan this stage carefully so that, firstly, your users don't abandon the process and, secondly, the landing page's ability to convert is maximized.

What's important in a landing page

If you are ready to improve your online presence with a professional and powerful landing page, on our website you will find many examples of free landing pages specially designed to generate leads, convert visitors into customers and sell. Just choose the landing page design that best suits your business and add your texts, images and links.

These are the main points to keep in mind when creating a landing page:

Define your objective 

Be very clear about what you want to achieve with your landing page and make sure that every detail of the page serves the purpose.

Create a visual hierarchy

Decide which elements will be the most important on your landing page and give them the most prominence.

Create a CTA that urges action

Visitors to your landing page should be clear about what they need to do. These call-to-action examples will help you outline your CTA.

Create a seductive design

Capture your visitors' attention with a landing page design that invites them to click and makes them curious to learn more.

Write great copy

Try to write short and informative texts accompanied by seductive headlines that invite the visitor to continue reading. 

Use images

Seduce your visitors by using impactful visuals. They will also serve to illustrate what you explain on your page.

Emphasize value

Inform your visitors of the benefits and advantages they will get after clicking.

Sell without fear

Dare to be direct. Remember that creating a landing page has a purpose, so go for it! 

Technical aspects of a landing page

Use this checklist with the most important aspects to create a landing page:

  • Choose a landing page template

  • Name your landing page

  • Personalize the page with your content

  • Include images that make an impact

  • Choose an appropriate domain name

  • Check that all CTAs and links are working

  • Write the title and SEO description for your page

  • Publish your landing page!

Pro tip

One of the main advantages of landing pages is that they are relatively easy to make. Therefore, you can create more than one and test their effectiveness by slightly altering their design through A/B testing. 

This technique is widely used in the digital marketing world to assess the effectiveness of different designs. In addition, using web analytics tools, A/B testing provides valuable information about your audience that will help you design your content much better in the future.


Promote your agency

Get More Customers

Once you have the idea, the plan, the team and the money, it's time to start your agency. It's time to test your ability as an entrepreneur, it's no longer just an idea or plan on paper or a simulator, it's real life and you will have to face all kinds of challenges. You must be especially careful with the legal issues, an issue that many entrepreneurs ignore.

Promote your business in every possible way

Prepare all kinds of clever advertising to attract customers to your agency. Flyers and advertising in the media. Everything is valid when it comes to promoting your business.

Don't forget to create a proper Online Marketing strategy, with your own website and social media accounts, the Internet is a very cheap and easy way to attract customers.

Keep learning

Knowing your customers, suppliers and competition will be fundamental to make your agency competitive. Listen to your surroundings, give your customers what they want, create mutually beneficial relationships with your suppliers and analyze your competition's strategy.

Attending conferences and trade shows is another good training idea, in addition to books and seminars that allow you to acquire strategies to implement in your agency.

The growth strategy

There are different ways to grow an agency, but it is very important to have a defined growth strategy. It is important that you determine how far you want to go, so your growth will be sustainable and planned.

Remember that in the business world growth is not an option, either you grow or your business disappears.