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5 Best Practices in Creating the Best Unbounce Landing Pages

Unbounce is a landing page builder and platform helping marketers get the most out of their campaigns online. They offer pre-optimized landing pages where people can swap out copies to suit their needs better. But despite Unbounce’s excellent landing pages, there are more things marketers can do to further improve how their landing pages look and feel to the target audience. But what are they? Here are some ideas.

1. Keep It Simple

When it comes to landing pages, marketers need to keep it simple. The last thing you want is your landing page overloaded with information. Too much information will only confuse people and cause them to lose interest.

The best way to keep your landing page simple is to focus on one thing at a time. For example, if you’re promoting a new product, don’t try to sell other products on the same page. Just focus on the latest development and nothing else.

2. Maximize Visual Elements

Visual elements often attract people to click on links on a landing page. Some features can be colourful, and some can be minimal. But overall, visual elements lure people into visiting the pages they need to see.

Make sure your visual elements are working hard for you. Use high-quality images and videos that accurately represent your product or service. Also, ensure your visuals are high quality and relevant to your offer. The more visually appealing your landing page is, the more likely people will stay on it and convert.

3. Integrate a Clear Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action is what tells your prospects what to do next. It should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. Ideally, it will stand out from the rest of your landing page copy so that visitors to your site know exactly where to go next. Companies should also place their CTA above the fold. It means it should be visible on your landing page without having to scroll down the page.

Most importantly, your CTA should be relevant to your offer. If you’re promoting a free ebook, your CTA should say something like “Get Your Free Ebook Now” or “Download Your Free Ebook.” If you’re promoting a free trial, your CTA might say, “Start My Free Trial.”

4. Keep Things Relevant

You should also ensure that your landing pages are relevant to your PPC ads and the keywords you’re targeting since this will help improve your quality scores. If your ad says “Best SEO Tips for 2019,” your landing page should have those words in the headline, and your copy should relate to that topic.

5. Test before Launch

You should always test your PPC campaigns before launching them. It will help you ensure that everything is functioning correctly and that you can fix any issues before spending money on your ads.

Once you launch your ads, you must be patient and only change things that aren’t working. If you make too many changes, you won’t be able to tell which changes made your ads more effective.


Although Unbounce's AI technology is good enough to generate optimized landing pages, it's still best to check and do a run-through of its output to ensure its quality meets the company's goals. Sometimes, the problem with AI is it loses the human touch, making it feel like the product is too dry or machine-like. Therefore, test it a few times to ensure it feels human and natural to the audience.

Happy Agencies is a fulfillment agency helping businesses get the best out of their websites online. Our goal is to design the best landing pages using Unbounce, promoting the products and services offered by brands on digital platforms. Learn more about how a business can leverage against its competitors using a landing page by scheduling an appointment with us through our website.