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Facebook Advertising Trends to Be Aware Of in 2022

Facebook advertising has been considered a staple in digital marketing for many years now. Facebook users are, after all, one of the biggest audiences a brand could have online. That means that if a brand can successfully tap into even just some people using Facebook, the benefits can be significant. 

The challenge is keeping up with the ever-changing trends on the platform. That means what your Facebook ads agency was effectively doing last year might not be as effective this year. 

To make sure your brand is making the most of Facebook as a marketing platform, here are some of the trends you need to be aware of in 2022:

The Continued Popularity of Videos

One of the biggest trends in Facebook advertising is the use of videos within your ad. Whether it's a short clip of your service or product or a full-length movie trailer for your latest blockbuster, videos provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity for a brand to showcase its product.

One of the reasons videos are so popular is that they are incredibly attention-grabbing in a sea of still images. Because Facebook users are constantly scrolling past ads that look just like a picture, a video is often the only way to catch their attention.

The frequency of video ads on Facebook is expected to rise by almost 50% in the next year, so you can expect to see them in your feeds a lot more often.

Mobile Advertising Matters

A brand can't expect to find success on Facebook without considering how they can reach users on mobile devices. After all, the vast majority of Facebook users access it on a mobile device.

As a result, most brands are now using Facebook advertising to specifically target mobile users.

This means that instead of using the same text-heavy ads they used to, they're using more images and videos, which are easier to use on a smaller screen.

Consistent Social Media Stories Are Needed for Success

For the most part, Facebook is looking for advertisers who will consistently post on the platform. That way, Facebook users won't have to endure a huge number of ads in a short period of time.

It's not enough to just do a big promotion and then never see that brand again. You need to be present on the platform regularly.

Personalized Ads Are the Way to Go

Another trend that's rapidly taking off is personalized advertising. This means that instead of having one Facebook ad for your product or service, you have multiple ads.

The benefit is that instead of having one large audience you're targeting, you can target smaller groups of people, and you can modify the content of your ad to appeal to those groups specifically.

Over the next year, it's likely that the prevalence of personalized ad campaigns will grow by more than 50%.


There are a lot of important trends in Facebook advertising right now, but these are some of the most important ones you need to know about. Getting the help of a Facebook ads agency that keeps up and even gets ahead of these trends can significantly benefit you. They'll help you put together a more effective strategy for your Facebook campaign and help you get the best results.

Happy Agencies is a respected Facebook ads agency in the United States that can help you get the most out of your Facebook ads. Subscribe now to enjoy the benefits of our Facebook ads management services!