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How to Use Facebook Marketing to Boost Your Online Presence

Back in the day, small businesses had a difficult time gaining customers and promoting their products and services, especially if they belonged to an industry with big names dominating it. Fortunately, marketing has advanced to the point where you can now effectively use online tools to boost your digital presence.

One of the tools to name is social media marketing. 

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing designed to reach out to people through various social media platforms. Brands, individuals, or nonprofit organizations can do it.

Among all of the platforms available online, Facebook may be the most helpful in your endeavor. 

Why Should You Try Facebook Marketing to Expand Your Reach?

Facebook remains to be the most popular social media platform, with more than two billion users monthly. It is also the most widely used platform for marketers who wish to create a long-lasting social media presence. 

Given the number of people using it regularly, it’s easy to say that Facebook has become an integral part of people’s lives. You can take advantage of this fact and use the platform to engage your target audience, draw new people into your brand, and promote your products and services. 

Before you get started, you must first know what goes into successful Facebook marketing to put your efforts into what matters. 

What Is the Proper Way to Use Facebook Marketing?

Consider Your Target Audience

Like other forms of marketing, Facebook marketing requires you to consider the demographic you want to target. Knowing your audience can yield better results for your marketing endeavors and helps prevent your campaign from experiencing low visibility, engagement rates, and conversion rates.

Aside from that, your current target audience will also allow you to make full use of Facebook's Lookalike Audience feature. It essentially helps you choose a new audience that shares the same mindset as your current customer base. 

Lookalike Audience is highly beneficial since it can provide better performance results compared to targeting a broad audience. If you’re unsure how to proceed, consider consulting with a Facebook ads agency to get a better grasp of the Lookalike Audience feature. 

Publish Eye-Catching Advertisements

Many studies show that people have a shorter attention span, affecting how well your campaign performs on Facebook. To better your chances of succeeding, you need to put in the effort to create advertisements that draw the eye.

One of the first things you need to remember is that your post should break the habit of scrolling. It must feature your product well, bring in bright colors, and use simple language that leaves a mark on the public. 

As much as possible, keep your posts concise. Nobody wants to read block texts when they're on social media. Additionally, make sure that the photo you use is related to the content. 

If you're not that skilled at illustration, animation, or video production, you may want to consider working with a Facebook ads agency. They have a diverse team that can address your need for noteworthy advertisements. 

Provide Customer Testimonials

One of the best ways to hook in new customers is by showcasing testimonials of your services or products. That’s because people are more likely to try things that have helped others before, compared to new products that have no proven worth yet.

Whenever you can, include reviews and testimonials in advertisements to encourage consumers to give your brand a try. 

Be Accessible to Consumers

Social media has evolved to the point where people with disabilities can use them as easily as the non-disabled. When crafting your campaign, you need to consider those who require help accessing content.

If you can, include subtitles in your video ads so that those who are hard of hearing can understand your message. It also makes your video more compelling in the long run, given how many people prefer to watch videos with subtitles. 

Also, try to limit your use of symbols, emojis, and fonts since screen viewers cannot read them correctly. 

Final Thoughts

Learning the proper way to market on Facebook may take a while, especially if you're starting from scratch. There are, after all, numerous elements to consider when setting up your Facebook ads.

It's quite fortunate that there are plenty of resources online to get you going. Moreover, you can always reach out to a professional Facebook ads agency so that experienced marketers can help out with your campaign. 

If you’re looking for a Facebook ads agency to get you started, consider checking out Happy Agencies. We offer various digital resources to help you boost your brand online. Some to note are Facebook ad creatives and campaigns, WordPress development, and influencer marketing. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!