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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Try Making a DIY Business Logo

Are you just starting your business and need a logo? Well, you might be tempted to whip out your pen and pencil and start drawing away designs. Now, if you're a professional designer, that isn't a problem. However, if you have no experience designing logos or anything for that matter, we highly recommend that you do not DIY it. Why? Well, logos do so much more than look pretty. They carry your message, vision, and more, and if your logo fails to capture this, then you're better off without a logo!

That being said, here are all the other reasons you should not create a business logo by yourself:

1. It'll Look Unprofessional

Your logo is the face of your brand. In fact, it might be the first thing that grabs your potential customer's attention. So, if your logo looks unprofessional or amateurish, then you're missing out on that potential first impression that could make or break a sale. And, while we're at it, it doesn't matter how cool you think your logo is. If it doesn't work with your brand, it's no good!

2. It'll Look Too Similar to Other Logos

The truth is, the average person doesn't pay too much attention to logos. It's a subtle form of art that people take for granted. However, if you're designing your own business logo and you come across another logo that looks eerily similar to yours, and it's not by design, you might be in for a heap load of trouble. Also, if you're an e-commerce business and closely resemble a well-known brand, the trademark police might come knocking on your door.

3. It Won't Work with Your Brand

You know your brand better than anyone else (or at least you should). This is why you should let a professional do the same. Now, that might've not made sense, but let us explains. No one knows your brand as well as you do, but due to the lack of knowledge on how a logo actually works, you might not be able to capture what your brand is all about. Professionals, on the other hand, know exactly how to capture you in a logo, so let them do the job of ensuring your logo meets your expectations.

4. It Won't Capture Your Message

As we mentioned before, a logo is what represents your business. It's what grabs your customers' attention, and it's what creates the first impression. So, if your logo isn't able to capture what your business is all about, then you can consider your logo a failure! Now, we know you're a great marketer, but we're willing to bet that you're not a logo designer. So, let the professionals take care of it!

5. You'll Waste a Lot of Time

Creating a logo is a serious business, which is why you'll need a professional to do the job. Now, you might be thinking that you can just whip out a few designs in a day. But you'd be wrong. In fact, creating a logo would probably take the average designer a couple of weeks. So, just imagine how long it'll take you! And, in that timeframe, you might get sidetracked by other things, or you might not do it as well as a professional will. At the end of the day, if you're a business owner, you're better off leaving the work to the professionals.


Above are just some of the reasons we don't recommend that you DIY your own logo. And, of course, there are many more out there. Either way, we highly recommend that you do not DIY your logo. Instead, outsource the job to an actual expert in graphic design, particularly those who focus on logos. This way, you can focus on other aspects of your business and later be presented with a logo that you can be proud of!

Happy Agencies offers white-label services for marketers. If you are looking for the best logo design service, get in touch with us today!