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Why Is the Bounce Rate of My Landing Page So High?

Post-click landing pages that get good traffic unfortunately don't always retain them. Landing page conversion is the goal, but it’s easier to follow through with the process on your own than in a large business organization. The more people that get involved in the goings-on of a website's writing and editing, landing page included, the more likely issues are to arise.

A Bounce Instead Of Conversion Is A Problem

As many as nine out of every 10 visitors leave a website before it loads. These single-page visitors are judged as bounce rates of landing pages. Unfortunately, when these get high, marketers worry-which they have every reason to.

Is There Such A Thing As A Good Bounce Rate For Landing Pages?

Yes, though it depends on two main factors: the web page's purpose and type. That said, there is actually web content that generally has higher bounce rates than others. On the other hand, conversion is always the end goal of post-click landing pages. So when landing page visitors head for content that's less targeted instead of being drawn in by the pitch, there's cause for concern.

Landing Pages: Why the High Bounce Rate?

The design of a post-click landing page significantly affects whether users convert or not. That said, bounce rate success doesn't depend on design alone. The usual reason for visitors bouncing is that the information users wanted wasn't there and that their user experience (UX) was not good. Aside from bad design, key issues are page load times that are particularly slow and traffic that's not targeted.

  • Bad design - As previously mentioned, design holds weight when it comes to user conversion. A popular, major issue is when landing pages are cluttered or just overwhelming in general.

  • Low-quality content - This one essentially speaks for itself. When content has mistakes, it's viewed as not good. However, language that involves complications, jargon or even spammy language can also lead content to be classified as low in quality as well.

  • Page load times that are slow - This one is likely a given, but it has to be mentioned. When a website takes too long to load, it will affect how a user interacts with it. Aside from rendering bad UX, visitors are likely to get impatient and seek other web pages for information or products.

  • Traffic that's not targeted - When you optimize your bounce rate, the first thing you should check is your targeting. If your visitor demographics aren't in order, even the most amazing landing pages won't bring conversions. Having the wrong notion of what the audience of your business is like can be very problematic down the line. It's important to actually have data-influenced customer personas at hand. That way, customer types can be identified, listed and targeting can be on a more personal level.


Landing pages are important parts of business websites since they lead to conversions. However, when there's a high bounce rate, that's a cause for concern. It's usually caused by bad design, traffic that's not targeted and low-quality content.

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